In the 1980’s Nike wasn’t doing so hot, they enlisted the help of advertising agency Wieden+Kennedy to come up with a campaign that would set them apart from the competition.
According to legend, the inspiration for the “Just Do It” slogan came from a convicted murderer named Gary Gilmore.
According to legend, the inspiration for the “Just Do It” slogan came from a convicted murderer named Gary Gilmore. In 1977, Gilmore was sentenced to death by a firing squad for two murders he committed in Utah. When asked if he had any last words before his execution, Gilmore reportedly said, “Let’s do it.” The phrase was later changed to “Just Do It” for Nike’s campaign. Despite the grim origin, “Just Do It” remains one of the most iconic advertising slogans of all time, and continues to be a key part of Nike’s brand identity. So, this one wasn’t a flop at all, and Nike managed to keep the whole Murder inspo out of the headlines (well until the recent movie premier of AIR) —talk about the importance of a good PR strategy!
Thinking of kickstarting your next campaign?